New FileMaker Icons Web Library
We haven’t give some love to our icon pack for a while now, but that’s because we’ve been…
Xbox User Testing System Concept
Soon, Microsoft will release the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S. If you’re like me, you’re probably…
FileMaker Server Available for Linux
Linux is here! We’re so excited that with the launch of Claris FileMaker Server 19.1.2, you can host your…
Client Management for Barber by Bevl
A bespoke barber in central London approached Bevl with a particularly fun project idea. They wanted to take…
FileMaker Pro Add-ons Available
New to Claris FileMaker Pro 19.1.2, we’re excited to announce the release of 9 built-in add-ons. Now, you…
What is Claris Connect?
As most of you in the FileMaker industry will know, FileMaker have recently re-launched their company as their former name;…