New FileMaker Icons Web Library

We haven’t give some love to our icon pack for a while now, but that’s because we’ve been working on something extra-fun. We’ve been developing a web-library of FileMaker icons that you can access quickly; without the need to download a FileMaker file to manage the library. It’s available now, in beta, and it’s free!

To check it out, head over to and help us create a useful tool for developers everywhere.

It contains all the icons we used to have in the SVG Icon Pack, but because of our deployment method it means we can upload new icons more frequently and easily. As a result, we’ll be uploading new icons weekly so there’s always fresh content for developers.

Is there an icon you’d like to see in the new web-library? Drop us a message by using our contact form, include a link to the icon, and we’ll do our best to replicate it. Once it’s part of our collection, we’ll send you an email to let you know the new icon is live.

As mentioned above, this is a new tool and we’re still in the early stages of development, so if you notice any bugs or hiccups, please get in touch with us; we’d love to know how you’re getting on with the tool and if there is anything we can improve.

We look forward to seeing you on!